From the Principal

In-person Learners:
In addition to building community in their classrooms, organizing their time and materials and engaging in introductory activities with new curriculum, in-person learners spent time during their first week of school;
  • Adjusting to our new health and safety protocols including frequent hand washing, cohorting with classmates and social distancing. 
  • Engaging in introductory activities with new curricular materials in reading, math, French and Spanish.
  • Organizing their time and materials with new student planners and AVID binders (grades 3-5) 
  • Enjoying playground improvements including basketball hoops, safer surface materials under swings and play equipment and a plethora of new balls!
This week we will be focusing on digging deeper into curriculum and preparing for beginning of the year assessments.
Virtual Learners
Monday, August 24th is the first day of school for our Virtual learners! This week they will be practicing accessing teacher’s Google classrooms, building community, engaging in introductory activities with new curriculum, and organizing their time and materials . 
Fall Sports
GVA-DC will be offering 2 sports this fall that are accessible to both in-person and Virtual student-athletes: Cross Country for 4th and 5th grade students and CrossFit for ALL GRADES. Both sports will offer a mix of socially distanced in-person and virtual practices and competitions. Read more details below or  contact Ms. Erickson at [email protected] for more information.
Safety Notes
Please help keep our school community safe by:
  • Wearing face coverings and maintaining social distance when on campus
  • Using the crosswalk when walking from the parking lot to the school building
  • Keeping students home when they are sick
  • Having students wear masks at school when they are coughing and or sneezing due to non-COVID related symptoms.
  • Donating Clorox wipes and alcohol-based hand sanitizers to school whenever possible!
Clarifications and Updates
How are cohorts maintained during recesses and lunch time?
  • Recess: During classroom recess, teachers keep their students separated from other classes by utilizing different “parts” of the playground (soccer/football field, black top, playground equipment). During lunch recess students are allowed to play outside with other students in their grade level forming a grade level cohort. After every recess, students wash their hands with soap and the playground equipment is sanitized. 
  • Lunch: Students wash their hands before entering the cafeteria. Once inside, students maintain social distancing when in line for meals/snacks. Students sit in their classroom cohort group with all tables facing one direction to increase the distance between students while eating. Cafeteria tables and benches are washed and sanitized between lunches.
On behalf of all of the staff at GVA_DC, we would like to thank you for your patience and support as we work to provide two high-quality, parallel programs for our dual language learners. Together we are #DRAGONSTRONG!
Take good care and stay healthy!
Stacy Bush
Principal, GVA DC