Parent Resources » Inclement Weather Procedures

Inclement Weather Procedures

The Douglas County Campus follows the same inclement weather procedures as the Douglas County Public School District. Please note: If all schools are open, announcements may not be sent to parents or the media. Please do not call the school for information.
During inclement weather, please check the:
Media outlets notified include:
  • Channel 4 (CBS4/KCNC Denver)
  • Channel 7 (7 News KMGH)
  • Channel 9 (9 News KUSA)
  • Channel 13 (Fox 31)
For the sake of consistency across the Douglas County School District, GVA-DC utilizes the
same equipment to determine the distance of severe weather from the building and potential
  • Weather Bug app to monitor radar and National Weather Service bulletins.
  • Lightning detector to track lightning strikes (both cloud-to-ground and cloud-to-cloud)- when available (preferred option)
In addition, GVA-DC follows the Colorado High Schools Athletic and Activities Association’s
lightning guidelines, which state that outdoor activities shall be suspended and personnel moved
indoors when lightning is within a six-mile radius.
  • Activities shall remain suspended until the
    meter or other device indicates there is no longer lightning within a six-mile radius for at least 15

During a Lightning Dismissal, parents/guardians (or other adults over 18, 
listed as emergency contacts in Infinite Campus), may pick up their children/younger siblings
from the front office but do so at their own risk.
Once there is no lightning within a six-mile radius, GVA-DC will dismiss students using regular dismissal procedures.