Early Admission
Early Access is designed for “highly advanced gifted” 4 or 5-year-old children. It allows early access to kindergarten or first-grade for students who are academically gifted, socially and emotionally mature, in the top 2% or less of the gifted peer group, motivated to learn, ready for advanced placement, and who have exhausted the resources of preschool or homeschooling.
Colorado House Bill 08-1021
Early Access was made possible by the passage of House Bill 08-1021. HB 08-1021 provides the ability for school staff to override the age limits mandated by state law, in order to allow students who will be four years old at the beginning of the school year to begin kindergarten and students who will be five years old to begin first grade, if they are identified as "highly advanced gifted."
Please note: The Early Access process is open from December 1 to April 1 of each school year. Not all students will be referred for cognitive testing; rather, student portfolios will be reviewed by a district-based team to determine if further assessment is warranted.