Volunteers Needed

Please check the list below and sign up using the link tree to support GVA. 


September Birthday Treat

Dragon Dash Volunteers

  • This is a lot of fun and a great way to see your kid/s supporting their community. 
  • Sign Up Here to Help

Teacher Appreciation Celebration

September Lunch and Recess Volunteers

  • Volunteers are requested each day to assist with our lunchroom/recess periods between 10:25 a.m. and 1:10 p.m. while school is in session.
  • There are two shifts each day, one for the entire lunch period and one for half.
  • Sign up for shifts

Scholastic Book Fair

GVA Movie Night

Please check out all the PIC volunteer opportunities here.


All GVA families must complete 30 volunteer hours at GVA by the end of the school year.

Donations count at $10 per hour.

Ongoing and upcoming opportunities are lunch/recess volunteers and donations for staff appreciation lunches.