The Importance of Punctuality

Dear Parents,

We understand that mornings can be hectic, but ensuring your child arrives at school on time is crucial for their academic success and overall well-being.

When students are late, they miss essential transition time, which helps them shift from home to school mode, get organized, and settle into the day. This transition is especially important for students who struggle with anxiety or find transitions challenging.


The Impact of Being Late

  • Missed Opportunities: Students who arrive after 8:15 am miss out on important morning activities, such as announcements, lunch choices, community circle, and key lessons like phonics (grades K-2) and vocabulary (grades 3-6). Missing these foundational moments can make it difficult for students to catch up with their peers and fully grasp the day’s lessons.
  • Disruption to Learning: Arriving late can disrupt the flow of the classroom, not only for your child but also for their classmates. This interruption can detract from valuable instructional time and hinder the learning process.

Being just 10 minutes late every day can add to a significant loss of learning time—equivalent to one week of school over a year! We want to ensure that every student has the best chance to succeed, and punctuality plays a key role.


Tips for Ensuring On-Time Arrival

  • Prepare the Night Before: Lay out clothes and pack lunches the night before to streamline your morning routine. Having snacks and water bottles ready to go in a designated spot can also help avoid last-minute scrambles.
  • Get Organized: Keep essential items like shoes by the front door so they’re easy to find.
  • Plan Ahead: Create a daily plan each evening, listing tasks and items needed for the next day.
  • Establish a Bedtime Routine: Consistent sleep schedules lead to better rest and improved focus in school.
  • Leave Early: Aim to leave the house 5 minutes earlier than usual to accommodate any unexpected delays.

We appreciate your helping your child start the day on the right foot. Together, we can ensure that every student has the opportunity to thrive.


Stacy Bush
Principal, GVA Douglas County