From the Principal

Dear Families,


To enhance safety and security for our before- and after-care providers at Innovation Learning, we kindly request your assistance with the following:


1. Clearing the Playground and Outdoor Fields: Please ensure that all families vacate the

playground and surrounding areas after school hours to allow Innovation Learning to use

these spaces for their students. With the large number of families currently utilizing these

areas, it becomes challenging for Innovation Learning staff to safely track and supervise

their students.

2. Supervision of Children: It has been observed that some children are not closely

supervised by parents during this time, which places the burden of safety on the

Innovation Learning staff. To help maintain a safe environment, please ensure your child

is supervised and refrain from allowing them to play in the area during before- and after-

care hours.

3. Restricted Use of Back Doors: Please refrain from using the back doors to access the

bathrooms, return to classrooms for lost items, or for any other reason. Managing traffic

in and out of these doors takes Innovation Learning staff away from their primary

responsibility of supervising students.

4. Pick-Up Procedures for ENCORE and After-School Activities: If you are picking up

your child from ENCORE or other after-school activities, please do so at the front doors.

We ask that only Innovation Learning families use the back door to ensure smooth


We appreciate your support in maintaining a safe and secure environment for all students.


Thank you for your cooperation!


Stacy Bush,

Principal, GVA Douglas County

[email protected]