Please check the list below and sign up to support the GVA community.
January Birthday Treat Donations and Support
- Sign up here to help celebrate
- Sweet and savory options, as well as gluten-free options, are appreciated.
Welcome Back Breakfast - January 6
Let's welcome our teachers back with breakfast. Plan on bringing items on January 6 in the morning for the teachers to enjoy during the teacher work day. Please note that students do not have school on this day, so please make sure you are able to bring the treats for the teachers on this date in the morning.
Click here to sign up to bring a dish.
Chili & Cornbread Staff Appreciation Lunch - January 21
PIC is hosting a Chili & Cornbread Lunch for the GVA-DC Staff, and you're invited to help make this event a success.
Click here to sign up as a volunteer or to bring a dish.
Please deliver all items by no later than 9:30 AM on the morning of January 21st so volunteers can set up before the first lunch session.
Lunch and Recess Volunteers Needed
The Hospitality Team Needs You! Lunch and Recess Volunteers Needed (especially on Mondays)
- Volunteers are requested each day to assist with our lunchroom/recess periods between 10:25 a.m. and 1:20 p.m. while school is in session.
- There are two shifts each day, one for the entire lunch period and one for half.
- Sign Up for January
Additional Notes
- Donations count at $10 per hour.