Dear Global Village Academy Families,
Health and Wellness Update
We are seeing a significant increase in cases of colds, flu, and stomach bugs at school. Please take steps to keep your child healthy during flu season:
- Get a flu shot to provide immunity.
- Encourage frequent handwashing at home and in school, especially before eating, after using the bathroom, and after outdoor play. Hand sanitizer can be used when soap and water are unavailable.
- Stay active to help strengthen immune systems.
- Ensure adequate sleep (9–14 hours, depending on age).
- Maintain a well-balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and essential vitamins.
- Reduce stress by allowing children downtime and creative play.
- Avoid sharing personal items like straws, cups, and hats.
- Keep sick children home to prevent the spread of illness.
If you are unsure whether an illness requires a doctor’s visit, please err on the side of caution.
School Accountability Committee (SAC) Update
Thank you to all families who completed the SAC survey! With a record 81% participation rate, students will enjoy a Pajama Day on Thursday, February 13th. The SAC is working with the GVA-DC staff to analyze data and make recommendations to address concerns and parent suggestions. Be on the lookout for information to be shared soon.
Jeans for Dreams Update
Our first Jeans for Dreams Day raised $947.14 for New Dimension of Hope, our sister school in Liberia! Our goal is to raise $3,000 in the month of February!
- Every Friday in February, students can donate $1.00 to wear jeans with their uniform shirt.
- AM classes will compete to raise the most money (per capita). The winning class earns a S’mores Party!
- Encourage children to earn donations through household chores and other efforts.
Schedule for Friday, February 14th (Early Release Day)
- 8:00 AM – 10:00 AM | AM Classes
- 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM | PM Classes
- 12:00 PM | Dismissal
Valentine’s Day Parties
- Parents must be on the volunteer list to attend classroom celebrations.
- If bringing food, it should be dropped off at the front office (not delivered to classrooms).
- If your child does not celebrate holidays, please notify Stacy ASAP so accommodations can be made.
- Spanish teachers will hold their parties on Thursday, February 13th due to professional development on Friday.
- All other teachers will hold their parties on Friday, February 14th, from 11:15 AM –12:00 PM.
Candygram Deliveries
Candygrams will be delivered to PM classes on Friday.
Thank you for being an integral part of the GVA community and for supporting our students!
Warm regards,
Stacy Bush,
Principal, GVA Douglas County
[email protected]