GVA Douglas County Hospitality Team Can you help the hospitality team by purchasing gift cards to be used to celebrate staff birthdays throughout the year?
Summer Camp is Coming to GVA Douglas County All camps are Monday-Thursday from 9:00 AM-12:00 PM in the months of June and July. These are geared for students entering grades Kindergarten to 7th next school year!
Thank You Thank you to all GVA parents and extended family members who have volunteered their time, talent, and funds this year!
Congratulations to GVA Northglenn Mandarin Teacher Jianing Guo Jianing Guo's first-grade Chinese class was featured in a recent Asia Sociey TEQ video!
Thank You A huge thank you to Ann Steers and GVA DC, Lisa Weber and GVA Aurora for their participation in the Denver Chalk Art Festival. They did an amazing job!
Summer Camp from Innovation Learning We are excited to provide our Innovator Adventure Camp at Global Village Academy Douglas County for the summer of 2019.