Schedule ideas

In this crazy time, it has been suggested to create a schedule to help build some normalcy.  I have created one for myself and encourage you to do the same with your kids.  Also, a parent brought to my attention a potential issue of needing to use technology to work from home and students using technology.  First, not all assignments I send will involve technology.   Second, if needed I suggest everyone in the house is involved with determining who will use what type of technology and when.  Remember there is a Raz-kids app which I have heard can be used on phones and probably can be accessed on other devices.

An example schedule:

8 am - 9 am Breakfast/Get ready (Yes. Change out of PJs)

9am - 9:40am Writing

9:40-10:10  Play. Ideally outside if weather permits and availability.

10:10 am - 10:40 am  Reading I will provide specific assignments, but additionally you can use Raz-Kids, leveled books can be bought through eBay, Epic! (I will try to set this up), and books around the house

10:40am - 11:00 am Break. Ideally, run around and play outside. Have a snack.

11:00-11:30 Social Studies/ English concept like bossy r

11:30-12:10 Specials

12:10-1:00 lunch and play

1:00-1:30 Language

1:30-2:00 break, play

2:00-2:30 math

2:30-7:00  play, color, craft, dinner, family time

8:30?         Be in bed

*If your student has language in the morning than stay with that schedule.  So language in the AM and English in the PM.