Fundraiser Coordinator Needed

  • The fundraising coordinator Shall, in cooperation with all members of the Board, organize approved fundraising events to provide income for GVADC-PIC activities and budget.
  • All fundraising will first be approved by school administration and the PIC executive board, then discussed at a monthly PIC meeting.
  • Shall oversee major fundraisers alongside the executive board.
  • Shall report on all fundraising activities at monthly meetings. Oversee and help execute on-going fundraising programs (i.e. Box Tops, King Soopers Cards, etc.), Spirit Nights, and Scholastic Book Fair. Shall attend monthly GVA DC-PIC Board meetings and GVA DC-PIC general meetings.
  • Effort: varies on a monthly basis. Somewhere around 5-25 hours a month). This role could be shared by 2 interested parties.
  • Email [email protected] for more information