From the Principal

September seems a little early to be reviewing weather related policies however, this week we will welcome our first snow storm of the season! In preparation, please take a minute to read the following excerpt from the Student/Parent Handbook: 
Severe Weather Closures or Delays
GVA-DC follows Douglas County Inclement Weather Policy. Beginning 24 hours prior to the start of a forecasted storm, the DCSD Snow Team begins assessing the changing conditions across the county and at our schools. If the forecast or current conditions are concerning, the team makes a recommendation for a delay or closure to the superintendent.  A decision is made by the superintendent by 5:00 am. If a delay or cancellation is to be implemented, families will receive a text message and email via SchoolMessenger (make sure you're opted in!) no later than 6:00 a.m. Notifications are sent to local media agencies and posted on the GVA-DC website as well as social media channels.
Our severe weather policy is currently under review to include e-learning days.
Recess Policy
The American Academy of Pediatrics believes that recess is a crucial and necessary component of a child’s development. Recess serves as a necessary break from the rigors of concentrated, academic challenges in the classroom. In addition, safe and well-supervised recess offers cognitive, social, emotional, and physical benefits. 
Outdoor Recess: Unless the temperature is less than 23 degrees including wind-chill and/or conditions of precipitation are present, students will go outdoors for recess. Please ensure students are dressed appropriately for the weather.**  
Indoor Recess: When the temperature is less than 23 degrees including wind-chill and/or conditions of precipitation are present, students will have indoor recess.  During indoor recess, students engage in 10 minutes of physical activity followed by free choice from the “activity box”. Indoor recess activity boxes are full of games, puzzles, cards and coloring pages. 
**Please be sure to label all items brought to school (lunchboxes, water bottles, hats, gloves, coats, etc...) with permanent marker including student's first and last name.  
Beginning September 8th, all students at GVA-DC are eligible to receive free lunch (main dish, fruit/vegetable and milk) through December. Students will have to pay for a la cart items and snacks.  
During drop-off and pick-up, if you need to exit the car for any reason (buckle your child in, open an exterior door or trunk) please park in the parking lot when picking up your child. The drive-up lane is reserved for students that can get in and out of the car cub-side with no assistance.  
Take good care and stay safe!!
Stacy Bush
Principal, GVA DC