From the Principal

These lessons are taught weekly in your child’s classroom by our School Counselor, Jessica Weiss.
The Second Step program teaches children important skills for getting along with others and doing well in school. It also helps our school be a safe, respectful place where everyone can learn.
Over the next few weeks, we are going to be teaching the Second Step Bullying Prevention Unit. In these lessons, your child will learn specific skills to help stop bullying. Students will learn how to:
  • Recognize when bullying is happening
  • Report bullying to a caring adult
  • Refuse to let bullying happen to themselves or others
  • Be a bystander who stands up and is part of the solution to bullying
In addition, your child will bring home simple, fun activities called Home Links that will help you understand what your child is learning about bullying at school. They also give your child another chance to practice skills for handling bullying.
For bullying prevention to work, everyone at school needs to be involved. So all our staff will get special training in how to:
  • Recognize and respond to bullying
  • Support children who have been bullied
  • Correct behaviors of children who are bullying
  • Use strategies that support a positive school and classroom climate
And we need your help, too! Get involved in making our school a safe and respectful place by letting us know if you hear about bullying at our school. Make sure your child knows to tell you or someone at school if he or she is being bullied. And give your child the clear message that it is never okay to bully others.
If you have any questions about the Bullying Prevention Unit or the Second Step program, please contact Jessica Weiss at [email protected]. Thank you for helping us make our school a safe, respectful place where everyone can learn.
Stacy Bush
Principal, GVA Douglas County
P.S. Make sure to join with the activation key BPUK FAMI LY00 to get information about what your child is learning in the Second Step program!