No Class 11/9

AM Class
I would like to meet and see your students, but I feel there is too much to get ready for tomorrow's materials pickup.
Feel free to read, do Raz-Kids, iReady, review Snap Words, write about what they did this past weekend.
I will miss seeing your students, but look forward to seeing them Tuesday!
PM Class
I realize my in-person class will go remote and I will see your student's on Zoom Tuesday.  Please come to pick up materials Monday between 2:00 and 3:00 PM.
1. Most of you have connected to Google Classroom for our PM English class.  The title of our class says AM, please ignore this.  If you haven't please do and let me know if you need any information.  This is where I will put daily work and recorded lessons after class is complete.
2. Please let me know if you need your Raz-Kids login information.
3. I will be sending an email with your Zoom login link Monday.  I will also attach it in Google Classroom for ease.  We will meet starting at 12:30 PM on Tuesday.
4. Please take time Monday to figure out a work area for your student at home. 
I will be sending a packet of resources that need to be kept at home for the school year in case we are asked to move remotely.  This will have sight words, games to make for review, and several sheets to help sound out words when writing.
Ms. Folkestad