January 29, 2021

This week we learned about words with oa in them, learned how to write letters, and learned a little bit about the editing process in informational writing.   We also reviewed nouns, verbs, and adjectives. 

Dance Winners

A shout out to my virtual class!  We were one of the winners of the dance off.  We will talk more on Monday!

Scores sent

Please look for Dibels and i-Ready scores that I sent home today.  I hope to do some goal setting with i-Ready with the students soon.  Thank you to those of you who logged in today to complete your i-Ready lessons.  I have seen fewer students logging in since the start of the year.  I know this has been a very tough year and we are all tired.  However, completing these lessons will really help shrink the academic gap COVID has caused.  You don’t have to do these on Friday, but please do them at least once a week please log in for at least 15 minutes for Reading.  If you are in my virtual class and I assign this to complete before we meet, please do so.

Valentine’s Day  

My in-person class will have our party on Thursday, February 11, 2021.  I will plan to collect paper Valentine’s Monday-Thursday so they will have some time to sanitize.  Students will clean their hands before passing them out on Thursday.  Remember to just write who the cards are “from” and not to fill in the “to” portion because it takes much longer to pass them out.

Virtual families have already received a flyer about our plan.