Mr. Young's ELD Home Page
Welcome to Mr. Young's ELD Class.
I am thrilled to be your child's English Language Development (ELD) teacher. In my class, students increase their level of academic English through cooperative learning, games, and hard work. What is "academic English"? This is the formal language that students are expected to use in school settings, and understand and use in written work; it is very different from the informal language that we use in general, day-to-day conversation.
What do I do in my ELD classes?
I pull my students out of their larger class each day for 45 minutes of targeted language instruction. My students are grouped by their English language proficiency level, so in each of my classes, students have similar needs. I teach my students vocabulary, advanced sentence structures, and grammar, they then practice these orally, or in writing with a partner/group, after which they take the learning to written application, or with my Kinder and beginning of the year 1st grade classes, less supported oral or heavily supported written application.
I couch the different sentence structures my students learn in terms of "language functions", such as cause and effect, describe actions, describe a place, compare and contrast, etc. These functions are easily "portable" to different topics and contexts, so once my students learn certain sentence structures or grammatical rules in my class, they can take those learnings to their other classes, and use the same sentence structures there.
If you have any questions for me about my class or your child, please contact me, either through email, or by phone at 720-476-8044 ext. 1023.